Tuesday, April 30, 2013

It has been so long since I've posted on this, I'm not sure anyone even checks it anymoreBut I thought I'd try to get things going again.  

 Any one seen this show?  When I first heard about it I thought it sounded weird but when I actually sat down and started watching it I found out how fantastic it is.  It is a relatively clean show that is very entertaining.  So go try it out.   The first season is on Netflix. Just beware that once you start it's hard to stop.


Ashley said...

I watch this with my parents and sometimes I just can't follow it...but I do love how clean it is for shows out there now days!

The Hill Clan said...

It is definitely a show that you have to watch from the beginning, but it's so good when you do. Netflix has the whole first season and you can find season 2 online.