Friday, June 17, 2011

Movie Ratings

My friend just told me about this site and I thought that I would share it with you all. It is a movie rating site that tells you detailed about violence, sex, language, and drugs. You can also look up music as well. This has become my favorite site. I make sure that I look up the movies before we go to anything, you never know what you are going to get now days!! Here is the


Norine said...

Ashley, I also do the same at By reviewing the movies before we rent them we have been saved from surprises, the not so good kind.
We also have been able to find movies that are good by limiting the search to the rating we watch and find new titles we haven't seen.

The Hill Clan said...

Such a GOOD IDEA!!!!! We don't have cable so I never see the previews for new movies that have come out. I have been surprised on more than one occasion by the bad stuff in a movie because I had no idea what it was about. I will definitley be using this site!!

Marisa said...

I'd heard of this site, and the one that Norine suggested, a while ago. BUT, I'd forgotten about them! Thanks for the reminder .... I will definitely be getting on them and checking things out before seeing any more movies.